Hamas rocket attack

We have set up an Israel News Whatsapp channel called “Swords of Iron Update” to share verified news and facts on the ground several times a day in an easy to digest format.

Community hotline

We have set up a Whatsapp and Email Hotline to assist South African Jews in Israel on programmes or visits, Olim, or those with friends or family who need assistance on repatriation, airport information, or any other help.

Scan the QR code to add the hotline contact to your phone.

Israel under attack

We are partnering with The Jewish Agency’s Fund for Victims of Terror, which will provide emergency grants and immediate assistance to those worst affected by the tragedy. Please donate today and help us make a difference. 

donate to the SAZF

An enormous amount of work has been achieved already and this is just the start, there is still an enormous amount of work to be done. For these efforts to be effective, we will require assistance from volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering your time, please contact us.

Volunteer your time to support Israel

An enormous amount of work has been achieved already and this is just the start, there is still an enormous amount of work to be done. We are looking to ramp up our efforts on the ground in the months ahead. For these efforts to be effective, we will require assistance from volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering your time, please contact us.

solidarity gathering

We are in the process of organising an SAZF Volunteer Mission to Israel. If you are interested in being added to the database, please complete the online application form. 

What do we do?

The South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) protects and promotes Israel and Zionism in South Africa.

As advocates for Israel in this country, our mission is to build strong support and love for the Land and State of Israel.

This support remains powerful among the SA Jewish community and millions outside the community.

We work pro-actively to reduce the amount of anti-Israel sentiment in South African political, religious, and cultural communities through education, advocacy, and lobbying.

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